Hey there friend, I’m Micah Klug
I uglied cried my way to work the day I left my 12-week baby girl home in her daddy’s arms.
So many mother’s want to stay home with their babies.
Did you see the difference between the top two sentences?
They both essentially say the same thing.
Except one paints a picture and the other tells a fact.
And I bet my last bottom dollar (because you’re not getting my chocolate chip cookie) that you tried to picture me ugly crying and probably re-read those top two sentences.
Why? Because 92% of consumers want businesses to tell stories.

You see, I’ve been involved in a lot of different businesses both throughout my career as a former copywriter and blogger for my parenting website.
I promise when you start using storytelling content with your readers in mind, you will turn a stranger into a fan every single day.
My S.T.O.R.Y. Framework helped business grow into six-figure all-stars who:
- Sell out their services in advance
- Rank #1 on Google for their target keyword
- 5x their sales in their welcome sequence
- Grow an email list from 0 to 2,000 with $0.00 in under 30 days (all who are still buying from this client)
- Automate reader surveys, so you can “know what’s on your reader’s minds” at all times
- Generated client sales total: $1,500,000 with email marketing, copywriting (email and storytelling ad copy)
- Total client leads: 502,394 and counting
If you’re ready to learn more about money-making words for your content, I’m here to help.

What Else Should You Know?
When we work together, I’ll become a part of your trusted team.
Trust comes from getting to know each other, so here are 3 things you need to know:
Traveling is in my bones. I was born in England, raised in Washington state, and moved across the US more times than I can count. Right now I’m somewhere in the Midwest where there’s more cows than people.
I drove home from my 304th funeral on a road that was more snow than road. Every person has a story, but it’s our responsibility to make sure they last long after we’re gone.
I’m happily married to my husband Travis. We have 5 kids and a dog who has a disturbed vengeance for squirrels.
My family, old classic books, grandma sweaters, and warm caramel apple ciders are my love language. (People are my second) And if you’ve ever asked someone what “House” they’re in (shout out to HP fans), we’re going to be great friends (Ravenclaw, just so you know ;D ).
Micah Klug Tactician Media & Influence is a storytelling content marketing agency specializing in copywriting, email marketing, and creative content that grows fans and bank accounts. Let’s team up to craft emails, stories, and words that are not only memorable, but will make you money on autopilot because your people trust you with every word you type.